Laurent Baig – The Wild Light

January 31, 2010

Two iPhone Apps

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laurent @ 7:54 pm

I was just discussing today with a friend how we both loved our iPhones.  It’s intuitive, it’s fun, it has the power of a computer (it is a computer) in the palm of your hand.  The maps application keeps me from getting lost when I’m driving someplace new.  I use the web browser checking for weather updates from NOAA while I’m out “image collecting,” aka photographing.  Pay my bills, etc. This is a great tool.

There are two new iPhone apps authored by Dan Baumbach available at the iTunes store for a modest price of $4.99 each – one is for Yosemite National Park, the other for Arches National Park (in conjunction with Bret Edge) that tell you where to go, give maps of the park, include detailed trail descriptions, give great suggestions for sunrise and sunset locations, and include a trove of inspiring images to fuel your creative juice.

Not a photographer?  No problem, photography guides often make the best hiking guides as they describe things you might otherwise not notice.  So, if you are heading to Yosemite or to Arches, consider these applications. They’re fun, easy to use, and an iPhone (or iPod Touch) is so much lighter to carry than those traditional heavy books.

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. Feel the wilderness experience.

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