Laurent Baig – The Wild Light

November 23, 2010

Each Moment is a Chance to Die, A Chance to Renew

Filed under: Arizona, Photography — Tags: , , , , , , , — Laurent @ 12:32 pm

Young Aspens in the Kaibab National Forest

As I drove through dirt roads of the Kaibab National Forest and saw how much had been burned, much like the Santa Catalinas near where I live, I was filled with a sadness – life was destroyed.  And yet, in a microcosmic way, we are constantly dying and being reborn.  Each breath we take, our bodies tear down and rebuild.  Each moment, thought pass through our mind and are gone.  Just as the forest was renewing with these young saplings, life goes on.  Life is hard, but it moves on.  Stasis is never good. We hurt more when we hold on to that which was.

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. See more work at his website.

October 18, 2010


Ponderosas, Kaibab National Forest

I’m always fascinated with the reds of Ponderosa pines. As I was driving in the Kaibab national forest, I found several areas where the pines had the rich red bark which I’ve always wanted to make an image of.  I was on my way to Fire Point, when the light changed on me and made the colors come alive with a soft glow.  It happened right at this scene and I immediately pulled over and took a quick digisnap on my Canon G9 to check composition and rendering.  It looked good, so I pulled out the 4×5 to make this image.

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. Feel the wilderness experience.

October 12, 2010

Arizona Rainforest

Pumphouse Wash, Arizona

I was chilling out during a monsoon earlier this summer.  The rain let up so I walked about a bit.  Colors always seem to be a bit more vibrant after it rains and I was curious what I’d find. I stood over the edge of Pumphouse and soaked in the fresh moist air and then ran back to my truck to get my camera.  The sun was playing peekaboo through the clouds and low lying mist was washing through the…well, wash.  I exposed one sheet of film and kept my fingers crossed (as I always do) on how it might turn out.

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. Feel the wilderness experience.

June 28, 2010

One Fine Day Last Fall

Escudilla Mountain, Arizona

It’s been really hot lately and I’ve been longing for some cooler temps.

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. Feel the wilderness experience.

June 22, 2010

Entwined Boles

Flagstaff, Arizona, Coconino National Forest

A pair of aspen boles on the west side of the San Francisco Peaks in Arizona. This is a new scan for a print that will be 16×20″.  Be sure to back up your work. I lost all my files when my hard drive crashed several months ago.  Ironically, I was about to back everything up onto another hard drive when it did crash. It sucks to have to re-create it all.  And, in fact, you will never re-create something.  A re-work is always a re-interpretation which means, if you lose your digital files, you lose your interpretation.

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. Feel the wilderness experience.

July 31, 2009

Sauntering to Sonoita

Filed under: Arizona, Around Tucson, Photography — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Laurent @ 9:34 pm


Sonoita Grasslands, Arizona

Sonoita Grasslands, Arizona


I can’t always make it to some place high in elevation when I get too hot in Tucson.  Yet not even an hour away at an elevation of 5000 ft, you can feel the difference between the sun-baked concrete jungle of the city and the coolness of the grasslands.  The area surrounding Sonoita is rolling hills dotted with oak savannahs and cienegas.  In the distance of this image are the Mustang mountains on the left and the Huachuca mountains on the right. The area is almost completely surrounded by mountain ranges, including the scenic Santa Rita mountains. I enjoyed a quick trip down this way to enjoy the evening with the windows rolled down before I headed to the furnace of the city.

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. Feel the wilderness experience.

May 20, 2009

Colors of Salome Canyon

Salome Creek 2

Salome Creek 2

And descending through a granite slot canyon such is this, you’re bound to find some areas where the light filters in and colors the wall.  Every time I go into Salome, I enjoy the challenge of trying to photograph it in different ways.  This is one of my favorite canyons, indeed.

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. Feel the wilderness experience.

May 19, 2009

The Prep…The Jump

This is how you descend Salome Creek, aka the Jug in the Salome Wilderness in Tonto National Forest…

First you breathe and get ready…

Scott Gets Ready

Scott Gets Ready

Then you splash into the water…

Jumping In

Jumping In

How much fun is that???  Especially when it’s over 90 degrees ambient temperature!

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. Feel the wilderness experience.

January 11, 2009

Launch of the Sycamore

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , , — Laurent @ 2:08 pm
Launch of the Sycamore

Launch of the Sycamore

This is one of my last two images from 2008.  Oh, I took a couple more 4x5s, but I don’t like them.  This one and one other I liked and that will close out 2008.  Time to renew the creative self.  Time to let expectations go.  Time to stop and appreciate each breath, each moment. Time to launch a new creative vein as these sycamore appear to launch out of their bed of maple. Whether I make a photograph or not, I appreciate the wilderness I have about me.  Sometimes it inspires me, sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes I wish for clouds during the incessant blue skies, sometimes I just sit outside and think how lucky I am to have public land so close to me.  Sometimes I have to remind myself I am very lucky for what I have.

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. Feel the wilderness experience.

November 19, 2008

Keep on Fall-ing

Filed under: Photography — Tags: , , , , , , — Laurent @ 1:23 am
Maple, Chiricahuas

Maple, Chiricahuas

And still fall colors continue.  I made this Friday night as the last sliver of light was fading from the leaves leaving the foliage warm, while the background remained cool. Sometimes, when it’s really hot, I can’t stand it here, and when the wind won’t stop, I can’t stand it here, and when it doesn’t rain for 100 days, I can’t stand it here…And then I think how lucky am I because so few will see this.

You are reading a blog posting from the photographer Laurent Baig. Feel the wilderness experience.

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